Rapid, rigorous cost-efficiency analysis


Dioptra Leaders Share Vision for "Learning Focused Cost Analysis"

In recent months, leading global aid donors such as US Agency for International Development (USAID) and the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO)  announced their intention to reduce bureaucratic “sludge” and simplify the obstacle course of their grantmaking—and grant management—processes, with the promise of making the aid bureaucracy more efficient and the programs they fund more effective and inclusive. But if donor agencies are not careful, they risk throwing out the cost-effectiveness baby with the bureaucratic bathwater. This article by Caitlin Tulloch, David Leege, Volker Huls, Jeannie Annan, Josh DeWald, and Michael O’Connell, argue that donors should shift to learning-focused cost analysis.

Caitlin Tulloch